The result of a scan operation is a TokensProxy, but should act like Tokens.
This proxy makes it possible to use the classic CodeRay.scan.encode API while still providing the benefits of direct streaming.
Create a new TokensProxy with the arguments of CodeRay.scan.
# File lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb, line 12 def initialize input, lang, options = {}, block = nil @input = input @lang = lang @options = options @block = block end
Overwrite Struct#each.
# File lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb, line 48 def each *args, &blk tokens.each(*args, &blk) self end
Call CodeRay.encode if
is a Symbol; otherwise, convert the receiver to tokens
and call encoder.encode_tokens.
# File lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb, line 21 def encode encoder, options = {} if encoder.respond_to? :to_sym CodeRay.encode(input, lang, encoder, options) else encoder.encode_tokens tokens, options end end
Tries to call encode; delegates to tokens otherwise.
# File lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb, line 31 def method_missing method, *args, &blk encode method.to_sym, *args rescue PluginHost::PluginNotFound tokens.send(method, *args, &blk) end
A (cached) scanner instance to use for the scan task.
# File lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb, line 43 def scanner @scanner ||= CodeRay.scanner(lang, options, &block) end
The (cached) result of the tokenized input; a Tokens instance.
# File lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb, line 38 def tokens @tokens ||= scanner.tokenize(input) end