Title / Description
Code std::vector<sid_type> SATWbmdManager::normalOpRFY() { CCL_INFO(LogFlags::Audio, className(), "Generating RecommendationsForYou using normal operation mode"); // The procedure to generate RFY channels is described in document "SX-9845-0410 - SAT Recommendations", section 4.2 - "Recommended button algorithm" // "Take presets and find those channels that are ‘related’ to these preset channels and popularity score;" auto favorites = m_satAudioManager->getSmartFavorites(); std::vector<sid_type> favoriteSids; if (!favorites->isNull()) { favoriteSids = favorites->getSidList(); } auto rfySidList = m_rfyListeningHistory->sidList(); if (favoriteSids.empty() && rfySidList.empty()) { return failSafeModeRFY(); } CCL_DEBUG(LogFlags::Audio, className(), "SAT normalOpRFY: #channels in favorites = " << favoriteSids.size()); auto resultFromFavorites = createFavoritesRecoList(favoriteSids); // "Take all those channels that are in the listening history (> 2 clips or > 5 mins) (remove currently playing), get ‘related’ channels and popularity score;" CCL_DEBUG(LogFlags::Audio, className(), "SAT normalOpRFY: #channels in listening history = " << rfySidList.size()); auto resultFromHistory = createListeningHistoryRecoList(); return generateRecommendedChannelList(resultFromFavorites, resultFromHistory); }
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