Title / Description
Code # Comments are allowed. Comment line begins with the '#' character # and spans until the end of the line. # Logging core settings section. May be omitted if no parameters specified within it. [Core] # Disable logging at all DisableLogging=false # Sink settings sections [Sinks.AllLoggersConsole] #Filter="%Severity% > 3" # Sink destination type Destination=Console # Formatter string. Optional, by default only log record message text is written. Format="[%TimeStamp%]: <%Severity%> %Message%" # Sink settings sections #[Sinks.AllLoggersFile] # Sink destination type (Logging to file) #Destination=TextFile # File name pattern #FileName="file_%5N.log" #Target directory name, in which the rotated files will be stored #Target=logs #File size, in bytes, upon which file rotation will be performed. If not specified, no size-based rotation will be made. #RotationSize=10485760 # Formatter string. Optional, by default only log record message text is written. #Format="(%Scope%) [%TimeStamp%]: <%Severity%> %Message%" # Enables automatic stream flush after each log record. #AutoFlush=true
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