Title / Description
Code class Status < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :temperature validates_presence_of :humidity scope :last_day, ->(){ where(created_at: (Time.now - 24.hours)..Time.now) } def make_reading current_status = get_data self[:temperature] = current_status.temperature self[:humidity] = current_status.humidity self.should_save? ? self.save : false end def should_save? # we must save first record if Status.all.count < 1 return true else return check_limits end end def get_data # we only execute reading from sensor on RaspberryPi in production if Rails.env.production? # GPIO requires sudo access, so we have to work around it return Status.new(JSON.parse(%x(rvmsudo ruby #{ Rails.root.join('lib', 'reader.rb') }))) else return Status.new(temperature: Random.new.rand(30) , humidity: Random.new.rand(100)) end end def check_limits last_status = Status.order(:created_at).last delta_t = last_status.temperature - self[:temperature] delta_h = last_status.humidity - self[:humidity] if (delta_t.abs > 0.5 || delta_h.abs > 1) && delta_h.abs < 10 && delta_t.abs < 10 return true else return false end end end
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