Title / Description
Code #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <list> #include <map> #include <cctype> #include <math.h> // #include "../print.h" using namespace std; string toLower(string w){ for(char& l : w){ l = tolower(l); } return w; } void create_dictionary(char* dict_file, set<string>& dictionary){ string w; ifstream in; in.open(dict_file); while (in >> w){ if (w.size() > 3){ dictionary.insert(toLower(w)); } } in.close(); } int find_board_size(char* board_file){ ifstream in; string w; int count = 0; in.open(board_file); while (in >> w){ count++; } in.close(); int size = sqrt(count); return size; } void make_board(char* board_file, vector<vector<string>>& board){ int board_size = find_board_size(board_file); string w; ifstream in; in.open(board_file); vector<string> row; int pos = 0; while(in >> w){ pos++; row.push_back(toLower(w)); if (pos % board_size == 0){ board.push_back(row); row.clear(); } } in.close(); } void print_results(vector<vector<string>> board, set<string> found_words, char* out_file){ ofstream out; out.open(out_file); for (int i = 0; i < board.size(); i++){ for (int j = 0; j < board[i].size(); j++){ out << board[i][j] << " "; } out << endl; } set<string>::iterator it = found_words.begin(); out << endl; for (it; it != found_words.end(); it++){ out << *it << endl; } out.close(); } bool validate(int x, int y, string word_so_far, vector<vector<string>>& board, set<string>& dictionary, vector<vector<bool>>& exists, set<string>::iterator closest_word){ // crops the closest word to be same length as word_so_far string sub_closest_word = *closest_word; sub_closest_word = sub_closest_word.substr(0, word_so_far.size()); // if word_so_far has no matches in dictionary if (word_so_far != sub_closest_word){ return false; } // if it is off the board, stop if (x < 0 || x > board.size()-1 || y < 0 || y > board.size()-1){ return false; } // if it has been used, stop if (exists[x][y] == true){ // cout << "letter already used" << endl; return false; } return true; } void find(int x, int y, string word_so_far, vector<vector<string>>& board, set<string>& dictionary, set<string>& found_words, vector<vector<bool>>& exists){ set<string>::iterator closest_word = dictionary.lower_bound(word_so_far); set<string>::iterator end = dictionary.end(); // checks if passes word is beyond the last word of the set if (closest_word == end){ return; } // adds word to found_words set if a match in the dictionary is found if (word_so_far == *closest_word){ found_words.insert(word_so_far); } if (!validate(x, y, word_so_far, board, dictionary, exists, closest_word)){ return; } exists[x][y] = true; word_so_far += board[x][y]; find(x-1, y-1, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // top left find(x, y-1, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // top middle find(x+1, y-1, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // top right find(x-1, y, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // left middle find(x+1, y, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // right middle find(x-1, y+1, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // bottom left find(x, y+1, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // bottom middle find(x+1, y+1, word_so_far, board, dictionary, found_words, exists); // bottom right exists[x][y] = false; return; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ set<string> dictionary; vector<vector<string>> board; set<string> found_words; create_dictionary(argv[1], dictionary); make_board(argv[2], board); vector<vector<bool>> exists; for (int i = 0; i < board.size(); i++){ vector<bool> row; for (int j = 0; j < board.size(); j++){ row.push_back(false); } exists.push_back(row); } cout << endl; for (int col = 0; col < board.size(); col++){ for (int row = 0; row < board.size(); row++){ find(col, row, "", board, dictionary, found_words, exists); } } print_results(board, found_words, argv[3]); return 0; }
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