Title / Description
Code Hi Marvin, As far as I understand, you're the author and maitainer of "au3" gem. I'm also an author of a few gems (not as big as yours). For me, releasing to RubyGems was always a boring and time-consuming process. So, I automated it using [rultor.com](http://doc.rultor.com). Now I release every next version in just one click, including versioning, publishing, Github tagging and even tweeting about it :) My recent blog post explains the process: [How to Publish to Rubygems, in One Click](http://www.yegor256.com/2014/08/26/publish-to-rubygems.html) What do you think if I help you to automate the release process of "au3" in the same way. I'll configure everything myself and submit a pull request. Once your merge it, you'll be able to release new versions automatically, hassle free. What do you think? -- Yegor Bugayenko<br/> www.teamed.io
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