Title / Description
Code Feature: Login feature Scenario: As a invalid user if I forgot to enter my username, application warns me about it When I press "Signin" Then I wait for "Please enter your Username" to appear Scenario: As a invalid user if I forgot to enter my password, application warns me about it Given I enter text "chao" into field with id "signin_username" When I press "Signin" Then I wait for "Please enter your Password" to appear Scenario: As a invalid user if I enter my username or password wrong I got error Given I enter text "chao" into field with id "signin_username" Given I enter text "pass" into field with id "signin_password" When I press "Signin" Then I wait up to 90 seconds for "The username or password you entered is incorrect." to appear Then take picture Scenario: As a invalid user if I enter my username or password wrong I got error Given I enter text "chao" into field with id "signin_username" Given I enter text "test123456" into field with id "signin_password" When I press "Signin" Then I wait for "Signing in, please wait…" to appear Then I wait for dialog to close Then I see "My Profile" Then I see "My Wishlist" Then take picture
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