Title / Description
Code # Instructions for this configuration file can be found at the BukkitDev page: # http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/casino-slots/pages/info/config/ # If you change the config-version, the defaults will be added. You have been warned. options: debug: false config-version: 1.0 bukkit-version: 2377 track-statistics: true allow-diagonal-winnings: false enable-slot-protection: true enable-chunk-messages: false enable-worldguard-check: false towny-checks: enabled: false only-mayors: true no-mayor: You must be a mayor to create a Casino Slot. only-towns: true no-town: To create a slot you must be part of a town. no-ownership: You don't own the plot where that would be at, please make sure you are the owner and then try again. chat: display-plugin-prefix: false plugin-prefix: '[Casino]' plugin-prefix-color: '&c&o' chat-color: '&a' types: default: cost: 100 create-cost: 1000 reel: - 42,21 - 41,12 - 57,7 - 46,8 - 103,9 - 49,4 rewards: '42': message: Winner - 3 iron blocks! $150 and an enchanted iron sword. money: 150.0 action: give 267,16,5 1 '41': message: Winner - 3 gold blocks! $500 awarded. money: 500.0 '57': message: Winner - 3 diamond blocks! $5000 awarded. money: 5000.0 '46': action: kill message: Winne- money: 0.0 '103': action: give 103 10 message: Winner - 3 ..melons? Nom. money: 0.0 '49': message: Winner - 3 obsidian blocks! $10000 awarded. money: 10000.0 messages: insufficient-permission: Sorry, you can't play this slot. insufficient-funds: You can't afford to use this. in-use: This slot machine is already in use. no-win: No luck this time. start: '[cost] removed from your account. Let''s roll!' help: - 'Instructions:' - Get 3 in a row in order to win. $100 per spin. - '3 iron blocks: $500' - '3 gold blocks: $2500' - '3 diamond blocks: $5000' - '3 obsidian blocks: $10000' - '3 melon blocks: stack of melons' actionslot: cost: 10 create-cost: 1000 reel: - 173,10 - 101,9 - 74,8 - 57,2 rewards: '173': action: goblind 900 message: You got coal in your eyes! money: 0.0 '101': action: - command tjail [player] casino 5m - broadcast [player] has been jailed from the casino. message: You lost, off to jail for 5 minutes money: 0.0 '74': action: - drugup - gocrazy 600 message: Winner - Kids, drugs are bad! '57': action: give 264 32 message: Winner - Diamonds... cool. money: 0.0 messages: insufficient-permission: You can't play this one, that's too sad - we really wanted you to win. insufficient-funds: You can't afford to use this. in-use: This slot machine is already in use. no-win: No luck this time. start: '[cost] removed from your account. Let''s roll!' help: - 'Instructions:' - Get 3 in a row in order to win. $10 per spin. - '3 iron bars: Jail!' - '3 coal blocks: You go Blind!' - '3 diamond blocks: 32 diamonds' - '3 redstone: Get drugged' highroller: cost: 1000 create-cost: 1000 reel: - 133,100 - 57,5 - 41,10 rewards: '133': message: Winner - 3 Emerald blocks! $500 awarded. money: 500.0 '41': message: Winner - 3 Gold blocks! $5000 awarded. money: 5000.0 '57': message: Winner - 3 Diamond blocks! $25000 awarded. money: 25000.0 messages: insufficient-permission: Sorry, you can't play this slot. insufficient-funds: You are too much of a peasant, please vacate the premises. in-use: This slot machine is already in use. no-win: Tough luck old chap. Try again? start: '[cost] removed from your account. Let''s roll!' help: - 'Instructions:' - Get 3 in a row in order to win. $1000 per spin. - '3 emerald blocks: $500' - '3 gold blocks: $5000' - '3 diamond blocks: $25000' cobble: cost: 1 create-cost: 1000 reel: - 16,4 - 15,3 - 14,2 - 56,1 rewards: '16': message: Found some coal in your cobble! money: 0.0 action: give 263 10 '15': message: Found some iron in your cobble! money: 0.0 action: give 265 7 '14': message: Found some gold in your cobble! money: 0.0 action: give 266 3 '56': message: Found a diamond in your cobble! money: 0.0 action: give 264 1 messages: insufficient-permission: Sorry, you can't play this slot. insufficient-funds: You need more cobble to play. in-use: This machine is already searching cobble. no-win: Nothing found in your cobble, maybe next time. start: '[cost] removed from your inventory. Now searching...' help: - 'Instructions:' - Find 3 in a row in order to win. - '3 coal blocks: 1 coal' - '3 iron blocks: 1 iron bar' - '3 gold blocks: 1 gold bar' - '3 diamond blocks: 1 diamond'
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