Title / Description
Code c1=-.75; c2= .375+.333*i; c3= -.117-.856*i; c4=-.75+.113*i; c5=-0.561+0.641*i; %choose one of them c= c1; if abs(c)>=2 disp('TOO BIG'); end; z0=-1.5-1.5*i; z1=1.5+1.5*i; % min and max z x0 = real(z0); y0 = imag(z0); x1 = real(z1); y1 = imag(z1); maxsteps=300; horisontal=500; vertical = 500; %size stepx = (x1-x0)/horisontal; %all the real X axis is divided by the size stepy = (y1-y0)/vertical; %all imaginary axis divide by size(500) "to gain the step" [X,Y] = meshgrid(x0:stepx:x1, y0:stepy:y1); % plots from x0(y0) to x1(y1) with step dx(dy) z = X + Y*i; c = c*ones(size(z)); picturesq = 0; for k=1:maxsteps lols = find(abs(z)>=2); %find elements dif from 0 picturesq(lols) = k*ones(size(lols)); z(lols) = zeros(size(lols)); c(lols) = zeros(size(lols)); z = z.^2 + c; % our formula end; image(flipud(pict)) axis('image') % makes it perfect square axis('xy') % makes numbers to go from 0 to 500 on y-axis, not from y to x %axis('off') % delete the things wriiten on x and y axis(numbers written on them) %colormap(jet(maxsteps)) %colormap(hsv(maxsteps)) %colormap(hot(maxsteps)) %colormap(cool(maxsteps)) %colormap(summer(maxsteps)) %colormap(gray(maxsteps))
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