Title / Description
Code require 'tmpdir' # Usage: # add to ruhoh-site/plugins/publish/github.rb # - Your GitHub remote must be setup properly but The command will try to walk you through it. # - You must have a clean working directory to publish to GitHub pages since the hook is actually triggered by commits. # # $ cd ruhoh-site # $ bundle exec ruhoh publish github class Ruhoh class Publish::Github def run(opts={}, config={}) return false unless can_switch_branch? _deploy_type = project_page? ? "Project" : "User/Org" _source_branch = source_branch _deploy_branch = deploy_branch _origin_remote = origin_remote Ruhoh::Friend.say { plain "Deploying to GitHub Pages." plain "(Settings based on origin remote name: #{ _origin_remote })" plain " Type: #{ _deploy_type } page." plain " Source: '#{ _source_branch }' branch." plain " Compiled: '#{ _deploy_branch }' branch." } if deploy_branch? puts "Currently in deploy branch: '#{ deploy_branch }'; switching to source branch: '#{ source_branch }'..." `git checkout #{ source_branch }` end ruhoh = compile # Add to deploy_branch return false unless checkout_deploy_branch system("git", "rm", "-rf", ".") FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(ruhoh.paths.compiled, '.'), '.') `git add .` # system() doesn't work for some reason =/ # Commit and push system("git", "commit", "-m", "#{ source_branch }: #{ last_commit_message(source_branch) }") system("git", "push", "origin", deploy_branch) system('git', 'checkout', source_branch) end def compile ruhoh = Ruhoh.new ruhoh.setup ruhoh.env = 'production' ruhoh.setup_paths ruhoh.setup_plugins config_overrides = set_configuration(ruhoh.config) ruhoh.config.merge!(config_overrides) ruhoh.paths.compiled = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'compiled') ruhoh.compile ruhoh end # Set GitHub-specific configuration settings. def set_configuration(config) opts = {} opts['compile_as_root'] = true opts['base_path'] = "/" if project_page? if !config['production_url'] || config['production_url'] == "http://sample.com" opts['base_path'] = "/#{ repository_name }/" Ruhoh::Friend.say { plain "base_path set to: #{ opts['base_path'] } for GitHub project page support" } else Ruhoh::Friend.say { plain "base_path set to: '#{ opts['base_path'] }' because config['production_url'] = '#{ config['production_url'] }'" } end end opts end def deploy_branch @deploy_branch ||= project_page? ? 'gh-pages' : 'master' end def source_branch (deploy_branch == 'gh-pages') ? 'master' : 'gh-pages' end def deploy_branch? get_branch == deploy_branch end def stage_clean? system('git', 'diff', '--staged', '--exit-code') end def working_directory_clean? system('git', 'diff', '--exit-code') end def can_switch_branch? return true if working_directory_clean? && stage_clean? puts "Aborting: Deploying requires a clean working directory and staging area." puts " - Commit changes to add them to the compile output." puts " - `git stash` changes to omit them from compile output." false end def checkout_deploy_branch return false unless can_switch_branch? return true if system('git', 'checkout', deploy_branch) return true if system("git", "checkout", "--orphan", deploy_branch) puts "Aborting: Switching to #{ deploy_branch } branch failed." false end def get_branch branch = nil `git branch --no-color`.each_line do |line| if line.start_with?("*") branch = line break end end #omit the * and space branch[2, branch.length].strip end def last_commit_message(branch) `git show #{ branch } --summary --pretty=oneline --no-color`.lines.first end # Extract the remote URL from the origin remote signature # Example: # origin git@github.com:jaderade/hello-world.git (fetch) def origin_remote `git remote -v`.lines.first.split(/\s+/)[1] end # Extract the repository name from the remote Url # Example formats: # git@github.com:jaderade/hello-world.git # https://github.com/jaderade/hello-world.git # # Should extract "hello-world" from above example. def repository_name remote = origin_remote remote = remote.include?(':') ? remote.split(':')[1] : remote.gsub(/^(http|https):\/\/github.com\//, '') # Parse username/<repo-name>.git remote.split('/')[1].chomp('.git') end # Does the repository name reflect a GitHub Project page? # Anything other than username.github.io OR username.github.com def project_page? !(repository_name =~ /[\w-]+\.github\.(?:io|com)/) end end end
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