Title / Description
Code ; Script: Existing SR Hotkey (Universal) ; AutoHotkey Version: 30-May-2011 FINAL ; Author: Adam Arseneau <arseneau_adam@emc.com> #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. setkeydelay, 20 ; --------------------------------- ; COM Copy (25-MAR-2011) ; Checks AHK Lib for COM.ahk, copies if not present ; --------------------------------- IfNotExist, %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\Lib\COM.ahk ; checks to see if the COM file is missing FileCopy, \\corpusfs6\csshare\Hotkeys\Data\COM.ahk, %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\Lib\ ; --------------------------------- F33 = \\corpusfs6\csshare\Hotkeys\Data\prod_list.ini ; Product List (stored centrally in Hopkinton) Hotkey_Name = Existing SR Hotkey ver = v1.0.1 ; ---- hotkey.ini file read ------ F20 = %A_MyDocuments%\hotkey.ini ; loads hotkey.ini data IniRead, CST_Team, %F20%, CST_Location, Value IniRead, CST_Name, %F20%, CST_Name, Value IniRead, CST_Phone, %F20%, CST_Phone, Value IniRead, CST_Badge, %F20%, CST_Badge, Value IniRead, CST_StartTime, %F20%, CST_StartTime, Value IniRead, CST_EndTime, %F20%, CST_EndTime, Value FormatTime, CST_StartTime, %CST_StartTime%, h:mm tt FormatTime, CST_EndTime, %CST_EndTime%, h:mm tt CST_Hours = %CST_StartTime% to %CST_EndTime% EST OracleSig = %CST_Name%, %CST_Team%, %CST_Phone%`n%CST_Hours% ; creates OracleSig variable if CST_Badge = ERROR ; if cannot read hotkey.ini, exit! { MsgBox, 16, No Signature File Detected, Please run the Hotkey Signature Generator before continuing. This hotkey will now exit. Runwait, \\corpusfs6\csshare\Hotkeys\Hotkey Signature Generator\Hotkey Signature Generator.ahk ExitApp } IniRead, HW_List, %F33%, Hardware, HW_List ; Hardware list if CST_Team = CST Burlington ; SW List IniRead, SW_List, %F33%, Software, SW_List_1 Else IniRead, SW_List, %F33%, Software, SW_List_2 Time_SR_Start = %A_TickCount% ifexist, kppp.ico Menu, TRAY, Icon, kppp.ico Gui, Add, Picture, x410 y60, kppp.ico Gui, Font, S8, MS sans serif Gui, Add, Text, x16 y20 w50 h20 , SR Type: Gui, Add, Radio, x116 y20 w70 h20 gSR_Type_Selection vSR_Type, Hardware Gui, Add, Radio, x186 y20 w70 h20 gSR_Type_Selection, Software ;Gui, Add, Checkbox, x256 y20 w70 h20 vElite_Checked, Elite Call :-----Elite call notification Gui, Add, Text, x16 y50 w90 h20 , Product Family: Gui, Add, DropDownList, x116 y50 w150 h321 vProduct_Selection sort , Gui, Add, Text, x16 y80 w90 h20 , SR Number: Gui, Add, Edit, x116 y80 w100 h20 limit9 vSR, Gui, Add, CheckBox, x25 y110 w285 h20 gField_Contact_Selection vUpdate_Type, Check here if field will be contacted to provide update ;-----Field notification Gui, Add, GroupBox, x6 y5 w310 h130 , Gui, Add, GroupBox, x6 y140 w460 h150 , Action Gui, Add, Edit, x16 y160 w440 h120 vText, Gui, Add, GroupBox, x326 y5 w140 h130 , Templates Gui, Add, Radio, x336 y20 w110 h20 vTemplate gTemplate_Selected Checked, Blank Gui, Add, Radio, x336 y40 w110 h20 gTemplate_Selected, Callback Gui, Add, Button, x16 y305 w130 h30 , Healthcheck Report ;TEXT SWAP for tickcount Gui, Add, Text, x166 y305 w70 h30 vTrans, Attempted Transfers: Gui, Add, Text, x166 y305 w70 h30 vPage hidden, Attempted Pages: Gui, Add, Edit, x236 y305 w35 h20 vAT, Gui, Add, UpDown, x266 y310 w20 h20 , 1 Gui, Add, Button, x366 y305 w100 h30 , Submit Gui, Show, w477 h362, %Hotkey_Name% %ver% (00:00:00) GoSub Start Return GuiClose: ExitApp
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