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created at 18 Oct 20:36, updated at 21 Oct 07:13
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ProductsHelper.module_eval do require 'json' # help w/ formatting the validation string # this method will likely be removed as we move everything to the client def custom_html_options(option) h = {:style=>"float: left;", :class=>"customization #{validation_classes(option)}"} va = validation_attributes(option) h.merge! va if va h end private def validation_attributes(option) return unless option.data_validation validation_hash=Hash.new data_validation = JSON.parse option.data_validation # Note that when you have a data_validation hash such as: # :data_validation=>{:type => :decimal, :min => :min_width, :max => :max_width, :required => true}) # some the key syms match up with the jquery validation names e.g. min, max. That's why we are able # to use these as-is as keys in the validation_hash below # min, max represent the current list of available jquery validation rules that can be specified inline [:min, :max].each do |m| next unless data_validation[m.to_s] # need to pull the value from the calculator via the preference name provided val = option.calculator.send("preferred_#{data_validation[m.to_s]}") validation_hash[m.to_s] = val.to_s if val end validation_hash end def validation_classes(option) return unless option.data_validation validation_str=[] data_validation = JSON.parse option.data_validation # handle data type first validation_str << case data_validation["type"] when "string" then "" when "integer" then "digits" # that's what jquery.validate uses when "decimal" then "number" # that's what jquery.validate uses else "" end if data_validation["type"] validation_str << "required" if data_validation["required"] validation_str.join(" ") end def ad_hoc_option_value_options(ad_hoc_option_values) options = ad_hoc_option_values.map do |ah_ov| plus_or_minus="" if ah_ov.price_modifier>0 plus_or_minus = t("add") elsif ah_ov.price_modifier<0 plus_or_minus =t("subtract") end price_change_text = ah_ov.price_modifier == 0 ? "" : " (#{plus_or_minus} #{format_price ah_ov.price_modifier.abs})" [(ah_ov.price_modifier.nil? ? ah_ov.option_value.presentation : "#{ah_ov.option_value.presentation}#{price_change_text}"), ah_ov.id.to_s] end end def calculator_name(product_customization_type) product_customization_type.calculator.class.name.demodulize.underscore rescue "" end end |
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