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created at 29 Sep 08:42, updated at 29 Sep 08:42
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@ @candidates
Feature: User views candidates
In order to hire amazing people
As a signed in user
I want to see a list of candidates
- Candidates page displays all candidates
- Sorted by last name, first name
- Fields displayed include:
-- Name (last, first)
-- Phone
-- Emai
-- Github
-- Twitter
-- Local
-- Willing to Relocate
-- Added On
-- Status (pending, hired, rejected)
Scenario: display candidates
Given the following candidates:
| first name | last name | phone | email | github | twitter | local | willing to relocate | added on | status |
| Lisa | Simpson | 412-444-3333 | | lisasgithub | lisastwitter | false | false | 2011-02-10 | rejected |
| Bart | Simpson | 412-333-2222 | | bartsgithub | bartstwitter | false | true | 2010-02-02 | hired |
| Peter | Griffin | 312-333-2222 | | joesgithub | joestwitter | true | true | 2009-01-01 | pending |
When I am on the candidate list page
Then I should see the following table:
| Name | Phone | Email | Github | Twitter | Local | Willing to Relocate |
| Bart Simpson | 412-333-2222 | | bartsgithub | bartstwitter | false | true |
| Lisa Simpson | 412-444-3333 | | lisasgithub | lisastwitter | false | false |
| Peter Griffin | 312-333-2222 | | joesgithub | joestwitter | true | true |
From an "Outside In" perspective, this would be the outer most layout of our application we set expectation of the users interaction with the application. Of course, we haven't implemented this feature yet, so if we run cucumber it will fail because it cannot find a fabricator to generate a test object for a candidate.
Let's then create a fabricator to make cucumber happy:
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