Title / Description
Code # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 Adam Zapletal # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import glob import codecs import jinja2 import tempfile import sys import utils import ConfigParser from macro import * from parser import Parser from subprocess import * BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) THEMES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'themes') TOC_MAX_LEVEL = 2 class Generator(object): def __init__(self, source, destination_file='presentation.html', theme='default', direct=False, debug=False, verbose=True, embed=False, encoding='utf8', logger=None): """Configures this generator from its properties.""" self.debug = debug self.direct = direct self.encoding = encoding self.logger = None self.num_slides = 0 self.__toc = [] # macros registering self.macros = [] default_macros = [ CodeHighlightingMacro, EmbedImagesMacro, FixImagePathsMacro, FxMacro, NotesMacro, ] for macro in default_macros: self.register_macro(macro) if logger: if callable(logger): self.logger = logger else: raise ValueError(u"Invalid logger set, must be a callable") self.verbose = False if direct else verbose and self.logger if source and os.path.exists(source): self.source_base_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(source))[0] if source.endswith('.cfg'): self.log(u"Config %s" % source) try: config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read(source) except Exception, e: raise RuntimeError(u"Invalid configuration file: %s" % e) self.source = (config.get('landslide', 'source') .replace('\r', '').split('\n')) if config.has_option('landslide', 'theme'): theme = config.get('landslide', 'theme') self.log(u"Using configured theme %s" % theme) if config.has_option('landslide', 'destination'): destination_file = config.get('landslide', 'destination') else: self.source = source else: raise IOError(u"Source file/directory %s does not exist" % source) if (os.path.exists(destination_file) and not os.path.isfile(destination_file)): raise IOError(u"Destination %s exists and is not a file" % destination_file) else: self.destination_file = destination_file if self.destination_file.endswith('.html'): self.file_type = 'html' elif self.destination_file.endswith('.pdf'): self.file_type = 'pdf' else: raise IOError(u"This program can only write html or pdf files. " "Please use one of these file extensions in the " "destination") self.embed = True if self.file_type == 'pdf' else embed self.theme = theme if theme else 'default' if os.path.exists(theme): self.theme_dir = theme elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(THEMES_DIR, theme)): self.theme_dir = os.path.join(THEMES_DIR, theme) else: raise IOError(u"Theme %s not found or invalid" % theme) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.theme_dir, 'base.html')): default_dir = os.path.join(THEMES_DIR, 'default') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(default_dir, 'base.html')): raise IOError(u"Cannot find base.html in default theme") else: self.template_file = os.path.join(default_dir, 'base.html') else: self.template_file = os.path.join(self.theme_dir, 'base.html') def add_toc_entry(self, title, level, slide_number): """Adds a new entry to current presentation Table of Contents""" self.__toc.append({'title': title, 'number': slide_number, 'level': level}) def get_toc(self): """Smart getter for Table of Content list""" toc = [] stack = [toc] for entry in self.__toc: entry['sub'] = [] while entry['level'] < len(stack): stack.pop() while entry['level'] > len(stack): stack.append(stack[-1][-1]['sub']) stack[-1].append(entry) return toc def set_toc(self, value): raise ValueError("toc is read-only") toc = property(get_toc, set_toc) def execute(self): """Execute this generator regarding its current configuration""" if self.direct: if self.file_type == 'pdf': raise IOError(u"Direct output mode is not available for PDF " "export") else: print self.render() else: self.write() self.log(u"Generated file: %s" % self.destination_file) def fetch_contents(self, source): """Recursively fetches Markdown contents from a single file or directory containing itself Markdown files """ slides = [] if type(source) is list: for entry in source: slides.extend(self.fetch_contents(entry)) elif os.path.isdir(source): self.log(u"Entering %s" % source) for entry in os.listdir(source): slides.extend(self.fetch_contents(os.path.join(source, entry))) else: try: parser = Parser(os.path.splitext(source)[1], self.encoding) except NotImplementedError: return slides self.log(u"Adding %s (%s)" % (source, parser.format)) try: file = codecs.open(source, encoding=self.encoding) file_contents = file.read() except UnicodeDecodeError: self.log(u"Unable to decode source %s: skipping" % source, 'warning') else: inner_slides = re.split(r'<hr.+>', parser.parse(file_contents)) for inner_slide in inner_slides: slides.append(self.get_slide_vars(inner_slide, source)) if not slides: self.log(u"Exiting %s: no contents found" % source, 'notice') return slides def get_css(self): """Fetches and returns stylesheet file path or contents, for both print and screen contexts, depending if we want a standalone presentation or not """ css = {} print_css = os.path.join(self.theme_dir, 'css', 'print.css') if not os.path.exists(print_css): # Fall back to default theme print_css = os.path.join(THEMES_DIR, 'default', 'css', 'print.css') if not os.path.exists(print_css): raise IOError(u"Cannot find css/print.css in default theme") css['print'] = {'path_url': utils.get_abs_path_url(print_css), 'contents': open(print_css).read()} screen_css = os.path.join(self.theme_dir, 'css', 'screen.css') if (os.path.exists(screen_css)): css['screen'] = {'path_url': utils.get_abs_path_url(screen_css), 'contents': open(screen_css).read()} else: self.log(u"No screen stylesheet provided in current theme", 'warning') return css def get_js(self): """Fetches and returns javascript file path or contents, depending if we want a standalone presentation or not """ js_file = os.path.join(self.theme_dir, 'js', 'slides.js') if not os.path.exists(js_file): js_file = os.path.join(THEMES_DIR, 'default', 'js', 'slides.js') if not os.path.exists(js_file): raise IOError(u"Cannot find slides.js in default theme") return {'path_url': utils.get_abs_path_url(js_file), 'contents': open(js_file).read()} def get_slide_vars(self, slide_src, source=None): """Computes a single slide template vars from its html source code. Also extracts slide informations for the table of contents. """ vars = {'header': None, 'content': None} find = re.search(r'(<h(\d+?).*?>(.+?)</h\d>)\s?(.+)?', slide_src, re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE) if not find: header = level = title = None content = slide_src.strip() else: header = find.group(1) level = int(find.group(2)) title = find.group(3) content = find.group(4).strip() if find.group(4) else find.group(4) slide_classes = [] if content: content, slide_classes = self.process_macros(content, source) source_dict = {} if source: source_dict = {'rel_path': source, 'abs_path': os.path.abspath(source)} if header or content: return {'header': header, 'title': title, 'level': level, 'content': content, 'classes': slide_classes, 'source': source_dict} def get_template_vars(self, slides): """Computes template vars from slides html source code""" try: head_title = slides[0]['title'] except (IndexError, TypeError): head_title = "Untitled Presentation" for slide_index, slide_vars in enumerate(slides): if not slide_vars: continue self.num_slides += 1 slide_number = slide_vars['number'] = self.num_slides if slide_vars['level'] and slide_vars['level'] <= TOC_MAX_LEVEL: self.add_toc_entry(slide_vars['title'], slide_vars['level'], slide_number) return {'head_title': head_title, 'num_slides': str(self.num_slides), 'slides': slides, 'toc': self.toc, 'embed': self.embed, 'css': self.get_css(), 'js': self.get_js()} def log(self, message, type='notice'): """Log a message (eventually, override to do something more clever)""" if self.verbose and self.logger: self.logger(message, type) def process_macros(self, content, source=None): """Processed all macros""" classes = [] for macro_class in self.macros: try: macro = macro_class(logger=self.logger, embed=self.embed) content, add_classes = macro.process(content, source) if add_classes: classes += add_classes except Exception, e: self.log(u"%s processing failed in %s: %s" % (macro, source, e)) return content, classes def register_macro(self, macro_class): """Registers a new macro""" import inspect if (not inspect.isclass(macro_class) or not Macro in macro_class.__bases__): raise TypeError("A macro must inherit from landslide.macro.Macro") else: self.macros.append(macro_class) def render(self): """Returns generated html code""" template_src = codecs.open(self.template_file, encoding=self.encoding) template = jinja2.Template(template_src.read()) slides = self.fetch_contents(self.source) return template.render(self.get_template_vars(slides)) def write(self): """Writes generated presentation code into the destination file""" html = self.render() if self.file_type == 'pdf': self.write_pdf(html) else: outfile = codecs.open(self.destination_file, 'w', encoding='utf_8') outfile.write(html) def write_pdf(self, html): """Tries to write a PDF export from the command line using PrinceXML if available """ try: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.html') f.write(html.encode('utf_8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) f.close() except Exception: raise IOError(u"Unable to create temporary file, aborting") dummy_fh = open(os.path.devnull, 'w') try: command = ["prince", f.name, self.destination_file] process = Popen(command, stderr=dummy_fh).communicate() except Exception: raise EnvironmentError(u"Unable to generate PDF file using " "prince. Is it installed and available?") finally: dummy_fh.close()
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