Title / Description
Code require 'WindowsBase' require 'PresentationFramework' require 'PresentationCore' require 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' class Clock CLOCK_WIDTH = 150 CLOCK_HEIGHT = 150 LABEL_HEIGHT = CLOCK_HEIGHT / 7 LABEL_WIDTH = CLOCK_WIDTH / 7 RADIUS = CLOCK_WIDTH / 2 RADS = Math::PI / 180 MIN_LOCATIONS = {} HOUR_LOCATIONS = {} def run! plot_locations # build our window @window = System::Windows::Window.new @window.background = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.LightGray @window.width = CLOCK_WIDTH * 2 @window.height = CLOCK_HEIGHT * 2 @window.resize_mode = System::Windows::ResizeMode.NoResize @canvas = System::Windows::Controls::Canvas.new @canvas.width = CLOCK_WIDTH @canvas.height = CLOCK_HEIGHT # create shapes to represent clock hands @minute_hand = System::Windows::Shapes::Line.new @minute_hand.stroke = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.Black @minute_hand.stroke_thickness = 1 @minute_hand.x1 = CLOCK_WIDTH / 2 @minute_hand.y1 = CLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 @hour_hand = System::Windows::Shapes::Line.new @hour_hand.stroke = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.Black @hour_hand.stroke_thickness = 3 @hour_hand.x1 = CLOCK_WIDTH / 2 @hour_hand.y1 = CLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 # .. and stick them to our canvas @canvas.children.add(@minute_hand) @canvas.children.add(@hour_hand) plot_face # draw a clock face plot_labels # draw clock numbers plot_hands # draw minute / hour hands @window.content = @canvas app = System::Windows::Application.new app.run(@window) # the Application object handles the lifecycle of our app # including the execution loop end # determine 2 sets of equidistant points around the circumference of a circle # of CLOCK_WIDTH and CLOCK_HEIGHT dimensions. def plot_locations for i in (0..60) # 60 minutes, and 12 hours a = i * 6 x = (RADIUS * Math.sin(a * RADS)).to_i + (CLOCK_WIDTH / 2) y = (CLOCK_HEIGHT / 2) - (RADIUS * Math.cos(a * RADS)).to_i coords = [x, y] HOUR_LOCATIONS[i / 5] = coords if i % 5 == 0 # is this also an 'hour' location (ie. every 5 minutes)? MIN_LOCATIONS[i] = coords end end # draws a circle to represent the clock's face def plot_face extra_x = (CLOCK_WIDTH * 0.15) # pad our circle a little extra_y = (CLOCK_HEIGHT * 0.15) face = System::Windows::Shapes::Ellipse.new face.fill = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.White face.width = CLOCK_WIDTH + extra_x face.height = CLOCK_HEIGHT + extra_y face.margin = System::Windows::Thickness.new(0 - (extra_x/2), 0 - (extra_y/2), 0, 0) face.stroke = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.Gray # give it a slight border face.stroke_thickness = 1 System::Windows::Controls::Canvas.set_z_index(face, -1) # send our circle to the back @canvas.children.add(face) # add the clock face to our canvas end # at each point along the hour locations, put a number def plot_labels HOUR_LOCATIONS.each_pair do |p, coords| unless p == 0 lbl = System::Windows::Controls::Label.new lbl.horizontal_content_alignment = System::Windows::HorizontalAlignment.Center lbl.width = LABEL_WIDTH lbl.height = LABEL_HEIGHT lbl.content = p.to_s lbl.margin = System::Windows::Thickness.new(coords[0] - (LABEL_WIDTH / 2), coords[1] - (LABEL_HEIGHT / 2), 0, 0) lbl.padding = System::Windows::Thickness.new(0, 0, 0, 0) @canvas.children.add(lbl) end end end def plot_hands time = Time.now hours = time.hour minutes = time.min if !@minutes || minutes != @minutes @hours = hours >= 12 ? hours - 12 : hours @minutes = minutes == 0 ? 60 : minutes # Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() is asynchronous, though it probably doesn't matter too much here @minute_hand.dispatcher.begin_invoke(System::Windows::Threading::DispatcherPriority.Render, System::Action.new { @minute_hand.x2 = MIN_LOCATIONS[@minutes][0] @minute_hand.y2 = MIN_LOCATIONS[@minutes][1] @hour_hand.x2 = HOUR_LOCATIONS[@hours][0] @hour_hand.y2 = HOUR_LOCATIONS[@hours][1] }) end end end clock = Clock.new timer = System::Timers::Timer.new timer.interval = 1000 timer.elapsed { clock.plot_hands } timer.enabled = true clock.run!
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