Title / Description
Code # create a ton of random sized, colored, and stroked rectangles include System::Windows::Shapes include System::Windows::Media include System::Windows::Controls canvas.children.clear colors = %W(red orange yellow lime blue purple violet) brushes = colors.map{|c| SolidColorBrush.new(Colors.send(c)) } canvas_dim = lambda{ [canvas.actual_width, canvas.actual_height] } 500.times do size = rand(canvas_dim[].max / 10) shape = Rectangle.new shape.width, shape.height = size, size shape.fill = brushes[rand brushes.size] shape.stroke = brushes[rand brushes.size] shape.stroke_thickness = rand(canvas_dim[].max / 70) + 4 canvas.children.add shape Canvas.set_left shape, rand(canvas_dim[].first - size) Canvas.set_top shape, rand(canvas_dim[].last - size) end
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