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Code %r<this is a valid regexp>e.to_s # That's right. %r(this one is valid, but...() it actually closes right here:)i.inspect # Tricky. %r[this is valid too]x.clone # Correct. %r.and this.i.source # Uh-huh. %r!and this, too\!!.! # So it is. %r|what about this?|n.kind_of? # Yep. %r,oh my %r{goodness}\, can this one possibly be valid?!@$\#%^|\/,xi.dup # You betcha it can. %r%ruby sure allow\%s a lot of peculiar regexps!%ou.options # Indeed it does. %r"it's enough to #{"drive"} a syntax /highlighter/ insane! "mixixixixi.pie # I concur.
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