Title / Description
Code // Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview * some functions for browser-side pretty printing of code contained in html. * * The lexer should work on a number of languages including C and friends, * Java, Python, Bash, SQL, HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, and Makefiles. * It works passably on Ruby, PHP and Awk and a decent subset of Perl, but, * because of commenting conventions, doesn't work on Smalltalk, Lisp-like, or * CAML-like languages. * * If there's a language not mentioned here, then I don't know it, and don't * know whether it works. If it has a C-like, Bash-like, or XML-like syntax * then it should work passably. * * Usage: * 1) include this source file in an html page via * <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/prettify.js"></script> * 2) define style rules. See the example page for examples. * 3) mark the <pre> and <code> tags in your source with class=prettyprint. * You can also use the (html deprecated) <xmp> tag, but the pretty printer * needs to do more substantial DOM manipulations to support that, so some * css styles may not be preserved. * That's it. I wanted to keep the API as simple as possible, so there's no * need to specify which language the code is in. * * Change log: * cbeust, 2006/08/22 * Java annotations (start with "@") are now captured as literals ("lit") */ var PR_keywords = {}; /** initialize the keyword list for our target languages. */ (function () { var CPP_KEYWORDS = "abstract bool break case catch char class const " + "const_cast continue default delete deprecated dllexport dllimport do " + "double dynamic_cast else enum explicit extern false float for friend " + "goto if inline int long mutable naked namespace new noinline noreturn " + "nothrow novtable operator private property protected public register " + "reinterpret_cast return selectany short signed sizeof static " + "static_cast struct switch template this thread throw true try typedef " + "typeid typename union unsigned using declaration, directive uuid " + "virtual void volatile while typeof"; var CSHARP_KEYWORDS = "as base by byte checked decimal delegate descending " + "event finally fixed foreach from group implicit in interface internal " + "into is lock null object out override orderby params readonly ref sbyte " + "sealed stackalloc string select uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort var"; var JAVA_KEYWORDS = "package synchronized boolean implements import throws " + "instanceof transient extends final strictfp native super"; var JSCRIPT_KEYWORDS = "debugger export function with NaN Infinity"; var PERL_KEYWORDS = "require sub unless until use elsif BEGIN END"; var PYTHON_KEYWORDS = "and assert def del elif except exec global lambda " + "not or pass print raise yield False True None"; var RUBY_KEYWORDS = "then end begin rescue ensure module when undef next " + "redo retry alias defined has_many alias_method has_one belongs_to before_filter " + "after_filter"; var SH_KEYWORDS = "done fi test tail head grep sed seq sendmail cat through " + "cd sudo time"; var KEYWORDS = [CPP_KEYWORDS, CSHARP_KEYWORDS, JAVA_KEYWORDS, JSCRIPT_KEYWORDS, PERL_KEYWORDS, PYTHON_KEYWORDS, RUBY_KEYWORDS, SH_KEYWORDS]; for (var k = 0; k < KEYWORDS.length; k++) { var kw = KEYWORDS[k].split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < kw.length; i++) { if (kw[i]) { PR_keywords[kw[i]] = true; } } } }).call(this); // token style names. correspond to css classes /** token style for a string literal */ var PR_STRING = 'str'; /** token style for a keyword */ var PR_KEYWORD = 'kwd'; /** token style for a comment */ var PR_COMMENT = 'com'; /** token style for a type */ var PR_TYPE = 'typ'; /** token style for a literal value. e.g. 1, null, true. */ var PR_LITERAL = 'lit'; /** token style for a punctuation string. */ var PR_PUNCTUATION = 'pun'; /** token style for a punctuation string. */ var PR_PLAIN = 'pln'; /** token style for an sgml tag. */ var PR_TAG = 'tag'; /** token style for a markup declaration such as a DOCTYPE. */ var PR_DECLARATION = 'dec'; /** token style for embedded source. */ var PR_SOURCE = 'src'; /** token style for an sgml attribute name. */ var PR_ATTRIB_NAME = 'atn'; /** token style for an sgml attribute value. */ var PR_ATTRIB_VALUE = 'atv'; /** the number of characters between tab columns */ var PR_TAB_WIDTH = 8; function PR_isWordChar(ch) { return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'); } function PR_isIE6() { var isIE6 = navigator && navigator.userAgent && /\bMSIE 6\./.test(navigator.userAgent); PR_isIE6 = function () { return isIE6; } return isIE6; } /** Splice one array into another. * Like the python <code> * container[containerPosition:containerPosition + countReplaced] = inserted * </code> * @param {Array} inserted * @param {Array} container modified in place * @param {Number} containerPosition * @param {Number} countReplaced */ function PR_spliceArrayInto( inserted, container, containerPosition, countReplaced) { inserted.unshift(containerPosition, countReplaced || 0); try { container.splice.apply(container, inserted); } finally { inserted.splice(0, 2); } } /** a set of tokens that can precede a regular expression literal in javascript. * http://www.mozilla.org/js/language/js20/rationale/syntax.html has the full * list, but I've removed ones that might be problematic when seen in languages * that don't support regular expression literals. * * <p>Specifically, I've removed any keywords that can't precede a regexp * literal in a syntactically legal javascript program, and I've removed the * "in" keyword since it's not a keyword in many languages, and might be used * as a count of inches. * @private */ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = (function () { var preceders = [ "!", "!=", "!==", "#", "%", "%=", "&", "&&", "&&=", "&=", "(", "*", "*=", /* "+", */ "+=", ",", /* "-", */ "-=", "->", /*".", "..", "...", handled below */ "/", "/=", ":", "::", ";", "<", "<<", "<<=", "<=", "=", "==", "===", ">", ">=", ">>", ">>=", ">>>", ">>>=", "?", "@", "[", "^", "^=", "^^", "^^=", "{", "|", "|=", "||", "||=", "~", "break", "case", "continue", "delete", "do", "else", "finally", "instanceof", "return", "throw", "try", "typeof" ]; var pattern = '(?:' + '(?:(?:^|[^0-9\.])\\.{1,3})|' + // a dot that's not part of a number '(?:(?:^|[^\\+])\\+)|' + // allow + but not ++ '(?:(?:^|[^\\-])-)' // allow - but not -- ; for (var i = 0; i < preceders.length; ++i) { var preceder = preceders[i]; if (PR_isWordChar(preceder.charAt(0))) { pattern += '|\\b' + preceder; } else { pattern += '|' + preceder.replace(/([^=<>:&])/g, '\\$1'); } } pattern += '|^)\\s*$'; // matches at end, and matches empty string return new RegExp(pattern); // CAVEAT: this does not properly handle the case where a regular expression // immediately follows another since a regular expression may have flags // for case-sensitivity and the like. Having regexp tokens adjacent is not // valid in any language I'm aware of, so I'm punting. // TODO: maybe style special characters inside a regexp as punctuation. })(); // Define regexps here so that the interpreter doesn't have to create an object // each time the function containing them is called. // The language spec requires a new object created even if you don't access the // $1 members. var pr_amp = /&/g; var pr_lt = /</g; var pr_gt = />/g; var pr_quot = /\"/g; /** like textToHtml but escapes double quotes to be attribute safe. */ function PR_attribToHtml(str) { return str.replace(pr_amp, '&') .replace(pr_lt, '<') .replace(pr_gt, '>') .replace(pr_quot, '"'); } /** escapest html special characters to html. */ function PR_textToHtml(str) { return str.replace(pr_amp, '&') .replace(pr_lt, '<') .replace(pr_gt, '>'); } var pr_ltEnt = /</g; var pr_gtEnt = />/g; var pr_aposEnt = /'/g; var pr_quotEnt = /"/g; var pr_ampEnt = /&/g; /** unescapes html to plain text. */ function PR_htmlToText(html) { var pos = html.indexOf('&'); if (pos < 0) { return html; } // Handle numeric entities specially. We can't use functional substitution // since that doesn't work in older versions of Safari. // These should be rare since most browsers convert them to normal chars. for (--pos; (pos = html.indexOf('&#', pos + 1)) >= 0;) { var end = html.indexOf(';', pos); if (end >= 0) { var num = html.substring(pos + 3, end); var radix = 10; if (num && num.charAt(0) == 'x') { num = num.substring(1); radix = 16; } var codePoint = parseInt(num, radix); if (!isNaN(codePoint)) { html = (html.substring(0, pos) + String.fromCharCode(codePoint) + html.substring(end + 1)); } } } return html.replace(pr_ltEnt, '<') .replace(pr_gtEnt, '>') .replace(pr_aposEnt, "'") .replace(pr_quotEnt, '"') .replace(pr_ampEnt, '&'); } /** is the given node's innerHTML normally unescaped? */ function PR_isRawContent(node) { return 'XMP' == node.tagName; } var PR_innerHtmlWorks = null; function PR_getInnerHtml(node) { // inner html is hopelessly broken in Safari 2.0.4 when the content is // an html description of well formed XML and the containing tag is a PRE // tag, so we detect that case and emulate innerHTML. if (null === PR_innerHtmlWorks) { var testNode = document.createElement('PRE'); testNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode('<!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "foo bar">\n<foo />')); PR_innerHtmlWorks = !/</.test(testNode.innerHTML); } if (PR_innerHtmlWorks) { var content = node.innerHTML; // XMP tags contain unescaped entities so require special handling. if (PR_isRawContent(node)) { content = PR_textToHtml(content); } return content; } var out = []; for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { PR_normalizedHtml(child, out); } return out.join(''); } /** walks the DOM returning a properly escaped version of innerHTML. */ function PR_normalizedHtml(node, out) { switch (node.nodeType) { case 1: // an element var name = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); out.push('\074', name); for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i) { var attr = node.attributes[i]; if (!attr.specified) { continue; } out.push(' '); PR_normalizedHtml(attr, out); } out.push('>'); for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { PR_normalizedHtml(child, out); } if (node.firstChild || !/^(?:br|link|img)$/.test(name)) { out.push('<\/', name, '>'); } break; case 2: // an attribute out.push(node.name.toLowerCase(), '="', PR_attribToHtml(node.value), '"'); break; case 3: case 4: // text out.push(PR_textToHtml(node.nodeValue)); break; } } /** returns a function that expand tabs to spaces. This function can be fed * successive chunks of text, and will maintain its own internal state to * keep track of how tabs are expanded. * @return {function (plainText : String) : String } a function that takes * plain text and return the text with tabs expanded. * @private */ function PR_tabExpander(tabWidth) { var SPACES = ' '; var charInLine = 0; return function (plainText) { // walk over each character looking for tabs and newlines. // On tabs, expand them. On newlines, reset charInLine. // Otherwise increment charInLine var out = null; var pos = 0; for (var i = 0, n = plainText.length; i < n; ++i) { var ch = plainText.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\t': if (!out) { out = []; } out.push(plainText.substring(pos, i)); // calculate how much space we need in front of this part // nSpaces is the amount of padding -- the number of spaces needed to // move us to the next column, where columns occur at factors of // tabWidth. var nSpaces = tabWidth - (charInLine % tabWidth); charInLine += nSpaces; for (; nSpaces >= 0; nSpaces -= SPACES.length) { out.push(SPACES.substring(0, nSpaces)); } pos = i + 1; break; case '\n': charInLine = 0; break; default: ++charInLine; } } if (!out) { return plainText; } out.push(plainText.substring(pos)); return out.join(''); }; } // The below pattern matches one of the following // (1) /[^<]+/ : A run of characters other than '<' // (2) /<!--.*?-->/: an HTML comment // (3) /<!\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]>/: a cdata section // (3) /<\/?[a-zA-Z][^>]*>/ : A probably tag that should not be highlighted // (4) /</ : A '<' that does not begin a larger chunk. Treated as 1
Highlight as C C++ CSS Clojure Delphi ERb Groovy (beta) HAML HTML JSON Java JavaScript PHP Plain text Python Ruby SQL XML YAML diff code