story runner
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created at 25 Aug 21:52
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require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper" describe "/contacts/new" do it "should render the form" do assigns[:contact] = render "/contacts/new.html.erb" response.should have_tag('form[action=?]','/contact/create') do with_tag('input[name=?]','contact[name]') with_tag('input[name=?]','contact[email]') with_tag('input[name=?]','contact[phone]') with_tag('input[name=?]','contact[message]') end end def expect_error_message_on(attribute) template.stub!(:error_message_on) assigns[:contact] = template.should_receive(:error_message_on).with(assigns[:contact], attribute).and_return("message received") end it "should ask for error messages for name" do expect_error_message_on(:name) render "/contacts/new.html.erb" response.should include_text("message received") end it "should ask for error messages for email" do expect_error_message_on(:email) render "/contacts/new.html.erb" response.should include_text("message received") end it "should ask for error messages for phone" do expect_error_message_on(:phone) render "/contacts/new.html.erb" response.should include_text("message received") end it "should ask for error messages for message" do expect_error_message_on(:message) render "/contacts/new.html.erb" response.should include_text("message received") end end |
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