Title / Description
Code require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Contact do it "should assign name" do contact = Contact.new(:name => "Lance") contact.name.should == 'Lance' end it "should assign email" do contact = Contact.new(:email => "person@site.com") contact.email.should == 'person@site.com' end it "should assign phone" do contact = Contact.new(:phone => "555.555.1212") contact.phone.should == '555-555-1212' end it "should assign message" do contact = Contact.new(:message => "hey, how come you never call me?") contact.message.should == "hey, how come you never call me?" end it "should not assign non_existent_attribute" do lambda { Contact.new(:non_existent_attribute => "whatever") }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should have error for missing name" do contact = Contact.new contact.valid? contact.errors.on(:name).should == 'Name is required.' end it "should have error for missing email" do contact = Contact.new contact.valid? contact.errors.on(:email).should == 'Email is not valid.' end it "should have error for missing phome" do contact = Contact.new contact.valid? contact.errors.on(:phone).should =~ /Phone number is not valid/ end it "should have error for invalid phome" do contact = Contact.new(:phone => 'invalid phone number') contact.valid? contact.errors.on(:phone).should =~ /Phone number is not valid/ end end
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