Title / Description
Code class Chars attr_reader :string # The contained string alias_method :to_s, :string include Comparable # The magic method to make String and Chars comparable def to_str # Using any other ways of overriding the String itself will lead you all the way from infinite loops to # core dumps. Don't go there. @string end # Make duck-typing with String possible def respond_to?(method) super || @string.respond_to?(method) || handler.respond_to?(method) || (method.to_s =~ /(.*)!/ && handler.respond_to?($1)) || false end # Create a new Chars instance. def initialize(str) @string = str.respond_to?(:string) ? str.string : str end # Returns -1, 0 or +1 depending on whether the Chars object is to be sorted before, equal or after the # object on the right side of the operation. It accepts any object that implements +to_s+. See String.<=> # for more details. def <=>(other); @string <=> other.to_s; end # Works just like String#split, with the exception that the items in the resulting list are Chars # instances instead of String. This makes chaining methods easier. def split(*args) @string.split(*args).map { |i| i.chars } end # Gsub works exactly the same as gsub on a normal string. def gsub(*a, &b); @string.gsub(*a, &b).chars; end # Like String.=~ only it returns the character offset (in codepoints) instead of the byte offset. def =~(other) handler.translate_offset(@string, @string =~ other) end # Try to forward all undefined methods to the handler, when a method is not defined on the handler, send it to # the contained string. Method_missing is also responsible for making the bang! methods destructive. def method_missing(m, *a, &b) begin # Simulate methods with a ! at the end because we can't touch the enclosed string from the handlers. if m.to_s =~ /^(.*)\!$/ && handler.respond_to?($1) result = handler.send($1, @string, *a, &b) if result == @string result = nil else @string.replace result end elsif handler.respond_to?(m) result = handler.send(m, @string, *a, &b) else result = @string.send(m, *a, &b) end rescue Handlers::EncodingError @string.replace handler.tidy_bytes(@string) retry end if result.kind_of?(String) result.chars else result end end # Set the handler class for the Char objects. def self.handler=(klass) @@handler = klass end # Returns the proper handler for the contained string depending on $KCODE and the encoding of the string. This # method is used internally to always redirect messages to the proper classes depending on the context. def handler if utf8_pragma? @@handler else ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::PassthruHandler end end private # +utf8_pragma+ checks if it can send this string to the handlers. It makes sure @string isn't nil and $KCODE is # set to 'UTF8'. if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' def utf8_pragma? !@string.nil? && ($KCODE == 'UTF8') end else def utf8_pragma? !@string.nil? && (Encoding.default_external == Encoding::UTF_8) end end end
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