arachnid (2004 ioccc)
code posted
Landon Curt Noll, Simon Cooper, Peter Seebach and
created at 02 Mar 00:12, updated at 15 Mar 01:01
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/* Copyright (C) 2004, Landon Curt Noll, Simon Cooper, Peter Seebach and Leonid A. Broukhis. All Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is granted provided this copyright and notice are included in its entirety and remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission from the contest judges. */ #include <ncurses.h>/*****************************************************/ int m[256 ] [ 256 ],a ,b ;;; ;;; WINDOW*w; char*l="" "\176qxl" "q" "q" "k" "w\ xm" "x" "t" "j" "v" "u" "n" ,Q[ ]= "Z" "pt!ftd`" "qdc!`eu" "dq!$c!nnwf"/** *** */"t\040\t";c( int u , int v){ v?m [u] [v- 1] |=2,m[u][v-1] & 48?W][v-1 ] & 15]]):0:0;u?m[u -1][v]|=1 ,m[ u- 1][ v]& 48? W-1 ][v ]& 15] ]):0:0;v< 255 ?m[ u][v+1]|=8,m[u][v+1]& 48? W][ v+1]&15]] ):0 :0; u < 255 ?m[ u+1 ][v ]|= 4,m[u+1][ v]&48?W+1][v]&15]]):0:0;W][ v]& 15] ]);}cu(char*q){ return *q ?cu (q+ 1)& 1?q [0] ++: q[0 ]-- :1; }d( int u , int/**/v, int/**/x, int y){ int Y=y -v, X=x -u; int S,s ;Y< 0?Y =-Y ,s, s=- 1:( s=1);X<0?X=-X,S =-1 :(S= 1); Y<<= 1;X<<=1; if(X>Y){ int f=Y -(X >>1 );; while(u!= x){ f>= 0?v+=s,f-=X:0;u +=S ;f+= Y;m[u][v]|=32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u, m[u ][ v]& 64? 60: 46) ;if (m[ u][ v]&16){c(u,v);; ;;; ;;; return;}} }else{int f=X -(Y>>1);; while (v !=y ){f >=0 ?u +=S, f-= Y:0 ;v +=s ;f+=X;m[u][v]|= 32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u,m[u][v]&64?60:46);if(m[u ][ v]& 16) {c( u,v ); ; return;;;}}}}Z( int/**/a, int b){ }e( int/**/y,int/**/ x){ int i ; for (i= a;i <=a +S;i++)d(y,x,i,b),d(y,x,i,b+L);for(i=b;i<=b+L;i++)d(y,x,a,i),d(y,x,a+ S,i ); ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; mvwaddch(w,x,y,64); ;;; ;;; ;;; prefresh( w,b,a,0,0 ,L- 1,S-1 );} main( int V , char *C[ ] ){FILE*f= fopen(V==1?"arachnid.c"/**/ :C[ 1],"r");int/**/x,y,c, v=0 ;;; initscr (); Z(Z (raw () ,Z( curs_set(0),Z(1 ,noecho()))),keypad( stdscr,TRUE));w =newpad ( 300, 300 ) ; for (x= 255 ; x >=0 ;x-- ) for (y= 255 ;y>=0;y-- )m[ x][ y]= 0;x=y=0;refresh( );while ( (c= fgetc (f) )+1) {if( 0||c==10|| x== 256){x=0;y++;if(y==256 )break;;} else{m[x][y]=(c == '~' ?64 : c ==32 ?0: 16) ;;x ++; }}for(x=0 ;x< 256;x++)m [x][0]=16 ,m[ x][ 255]=16;for(y=0 ;y< 256 ; y ++) m[0 ][y ] = 16, m[255][y] =16 ;a=b=c=0; x=y =1; do{v++;mvwaddch (w, y,x ,m[ x][ y]& 32? m[x ][y ] & 16? 0| acs_map[l[m[x][y]&15]]:46 : 32);c==0163&&!(m[x][y+1]&16)?y++: 0;c == 119 &&! (m[ x][ y- 1]& 16) ?y--:0;;c ==97 &&!(m[x-1][y]&16)?x--:0;c==100&&!(m[x+1 ][ y]& 16) ? x ++:0 ;if( c== 3- 1+1 ){endwin( );; return(0) ;}x -a<5?a>S- 5?a-=S-5:(a=0): 0;x -a> S-5?a<255 -S* 2?a +=S -5:(a=256-S):0; y-b<5?b>L-5?b-=L-5:(b =0) :0; y-b>L-5?b<255-L *2? b+= L-5 :(b =256 -L) :0;e(x,y);if(m[x][y]&64)break;}while((c=getch())!=-1);endwin();cu(Q); printf(Q,v);} |
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